MCX ready to go live with new commodity derivates platform on October 16
On October 16, 2023, the Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX) will launch the CDP, a new platform for commodity derivatives. Two days prior to the announcement, the capital markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) had given MCX permission to establish its CDP.
MCX announced in a statement on Tuesday, October 10, that the major commodity exchange has also planned to do trial trading on October 15, 2023, to enable members to participate and verify setup and connectivity during the mock trading session for which a separate circular will be released.
During the mock trading session which is scheduled on October 15, members are requested to login with their User IDs available in the mock environment to access the trading system, said MCX in its statement.
‘’Further, user IDs password set during these mock trading sessions will be carried in the new system once the system goes live,'' said MCX.
Regarding the new trading interfaces, CTCL software developed using new trading interface — MCX Enhanced Trading Interface (ETI) API version 1.3 dated April 25, 2023, and FIX API version 1.2 dated June 21, 2022 — will be effective from October 16.