Trading on Equity
What is equity trading
Equity refers to a small part of company ownership. You can trade in equity as it's tough to understand equity trading but by using a broker such as BlinkX along with valuable insights & information related to trading you can clarify your trading knowledge. Take advantage of advanced trading platforms and invest in equity market. You can browse through various financial securities. Research, track & invest in equity market.
Types of Equity
Common Stock
This represents ownership shares in a public company. Common shareholders typically get voting rights and dividends, if declared. It is the most common form of equity.
Preferred Stock
This type of stock has priority over common stock for dividends and claims on assets in case of liquidation, but lacks voting rights. Preferred shareholders receive fixed dividend payments.
What if you invested in...
Why make equities your jam?
Better Returns
Beat traditional avenues by a fair margin
Higher Liquidity
Sell anytime and get cash into your a/c
Dividend Income
Returns distributed to shareholders from the company earnings or profits
No Minimum Threshold
Freedom to choose quantity or value, starting as low as buying one share