HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) vs Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G)

HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) vs Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G)


HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G)



Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G)


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About Fund

HDFC Bank Limited & Citibank N.A

Computer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd.



Very High Risk





January 1, 2013


Very High Risk





May 13, 2013


33.63 %

23.45 %

16.62 %

32.12 %

18.37 %

15.81 %

Prashant Jain

B.Tech from IIT Kanpur, PGDM from IIM Bangalore, CFA - AIMR.

Mr. Jain is a B. Tech. from IIT Kanpur, PGDM from IIM, Bangalore and CFA from AIMR, USA.Prior to joining HDFC AMC he has worked with Zurich AMC and SBI Mutual Fund.

Roshi Jain

Post Graduate Diploma in Management.CFA., ACA., CFA, PGDM, ACA

She is responsible for investment in foreign securities research (Since May 2005), identifying investment opportunities in capital goods, retail, textiles & transportation sector. Prior Goldman sachs, london (2004 - 2005) Responsible for equity Researched European building material stocks. - Goldman sachs, Singapore / HK (2002 - 2004). Responsible for equity research, researched Asian retail stocks. Wipro ltd. (1999 - 2000). Responsible for internal audit, Internal audit of processes & transactions. - S. R. Batliboi & Co. (1999). Responsible for statutory audit of corporate.

Rajeev Thakkar

B.Com (Bombay University), Chartered Accountant.

He has over 16 years experience in various segments of the financial markets such as investment banking, corporate finance and securities broking and fund management.

Get your FAQs right

When comparing HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) vs Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G), consider factors such as historical performance, expense ratios, investment strategy, risk level, and the fund manager's credibility. Moreover, look at asset allocation and how each fund fits your investment goals.
Yes, you can invest in both HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) and Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) at the same time. This can help diversify your portfolio and balance risk, provided the fund manager's investment strategies streamline each other.
While comparing HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) and Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G), the portfolio turnover ratio indicates how frequently assets within the fund are bought and sold. A high turnover may lead to higher transaction costs and tax implications, while a low turnover ratio indicates a buy-and-hold strategy.
Yes, you can typically switch between HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) and Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G), subject to the fund's policies and any applicable fees. It is important to consider potential tax implications and the timing of your switch.
Yes, you can compare HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) and Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G) based on their dividend payouts. Look at dividends profit, consistency, and growth, as these factors can influence your overall return on investment.

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