B C C Fuba India Ltd Screener

B C C Fuba India Ltd Screener

₹ 126.55 Cr.


0 %

₹ 82.66

₹ 0

0 %

₹ 111.61/47.53

0 %

₹ 1


Small Cap

With a marketcap of ₹ 126.55 Cr Stock is ranked 2946

B C C Fuba India Investment Return

Short Term

8.20 %

-7.30 %

-1.29 %

44.03 %

Long Term

34.44 %

416.66 %

1479.74 %

2555.94 %

B C C Fuba India Return Calculator

₹ 0


₹ 0

B C C Fuba India Revenue and Profit and Growth


  • The company's net cash flow is improving for last 2 quarters.
  • Annual Net Profits is increasing for 3 consecutive years


  • No Weakness found.

B C C Fuba India Screener FAQs

The B C C Fuba India screener can be used to check different types of data, such as market capitalization, stock P/E, PB ratio, current price, book value, ROE, 52W high/low, dividend yield, and face value. It also shows short-term and long-term data of the B C C Fuba India.
You can use the B C C Fuba India stock screener to analyze stocks based on specific criteria, helping you choose stocks for investments based on real-time data.
Yes, you can use the B C C Fuba India Stock Screener for both short-term and long-term. Using the short term, you can check data for periods ranging from 1 week to 6 months. On the other hand, if you are looking to invest long-term, you can check data for periods ranging from 1 year to 10 years.
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