

What is the Timing of Intraday Trading?

  • 24 Jun 2024
  • By: BlinkX Research Team
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  • The practice of purchasing and selling shares on the same day is known as intraday trading.  This act usually takes place just before the market closes. It represents a swift tactic that may yield rewards. No matter your level of experience, keeping an eye on market trends and indicators benefits intraday trading.

    Traders should be cognisant of intraday trading timings- to prepare, carry out research and boost their returns. The broker is going to square off the position at market close if it is not closed on the same day. Hours of the share market  intraday timing are 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM. Remember, intraday orders can't be placed during pre-market hours.

    Intraday Trading Time in India

    Intraday trading offers immense fascination as a sector within the stock market. However, one might face plenty of initial questions, such as the ideal trading time and the method of intraday trading. Because intraday trading entails same-day buying and selling, it is restricted to regular stock market hours.

    Therefore, intraday trading can be undertaken from 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM. This applies to all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and Exchange-designated holidays. Five to ten minutes before 3:00 PM, brokers square off the positions.

    Table of Content

    1. Intraday Trading Time in India
    2. What is Intraday Time Analysis? 
    3. Intraday Trading Window Availability
    4. Time for Intraday Commodity Trading
    5. The Most Effective Time Frame Chart for Day Trading
    6. Time Frame with the Best Candlesticks for Day Trading
    7. Square-Off Time for Intraday Trading
    8. Indian Stock Market Timing 

    What is Intraday Time Analysis? 

    Executing the correct move at the right time is a tool for success in intraday trading. It's essential that you initially gain detailed knowledge of the intraday trading time frame. This is before finalising your strategy for executing intraday transactions. Charts are usually the main reference point in intraday trading time analysis.  Intraday charts display price movements throughout the day. Traders analyse them for short, medium, and long-term trends.

    Intraday Trading Window Availability

    Although intraday closing time refers to the specific hour and minute when all positions in a trader's portfolio must be closed within the same trading day at 3:30 PM, you can't start trading until then.  The broker will then wait until about 3:15 or 3:20 PM. This intraday trading closing time can change according to the risk management policy of the broker. If the order stays open at this time, the broker's risk management system auto-closes all intraday poses. It does so at the market price.  As a result, you can open and close orders throughout the day from 9:15 until around 3:15.

    Time for Intraday Commodity Trading

    The above-mentioned timeframes apply to the equity component. Commodity trading has a separate, considerably longer intraday trading period. You must adhere to these timings to trade commodities like crude oil, silver, gold, etc.

    The Most Effective Time Frame Chart for Day Trading

    The market hours in India are 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM. An intraday trader aims to identify a promising setup, enter the trade, and close it out on the same day. This form of trading must carefully monitor market volatility and trends. Markets are constantly changing due to news flow, and a profitable trading opportunity might arise anytime.

    There is no objective best timing for intraday exit time and opening time. However, a few perceptions about certain historical periods might be useful. For instance, the market's early session, which runs from 9:30 to 10:30 AM, exhibits the following characteristics:

    a) The market's increased liquidity allows intraday traders to enter quickly and exit equities.

    b) Early in the market's day, volatility is frequently intense, essential for intraday trading.

    Most often, seasoned traders choose to maximise the first fifteen minutes of the market. It is preferable first to make observations before trading if you are fresh to the market.

    Time Frame with the Best Candlesticks for Day Trading

    Since minor price changes make up the majority of intraday trading, traders like the 15-minute or 5-minute candle chart. The charts show the trading activity for the last five and fifteen minutes, respectively, and are the basis for your trading activity. Hourly charts could also provide a hint as to the general market trend.

    Square-Off Time for Intraday Trading

    We are aware by this point that intraday holdings may only be kept for one day. It is, therefore, imperative that you finish off any active intraday trades before the market closes for the day. If you don't, the intraday stocks open positions are automatically squared off. The afternoon match often takes place between 3:15 and 3:30 PM. Therefore, be careful to leave your existing employment before that.

    Indian Stock Market Timing 

    The hours of operation for the Indian stock market are 9.00 am – 3.30 pm. From 9:00 am to 9:00 am, during the pre-open period, CNC orders can be placed. Price discovery happens during this time. Here, orders are not matched in real-time, but rather in bulk at 9.15. Every day at 9.15 am, real-time trading officially begins. Trades end at 3:00 p.m., but a post-close session remains available where the contract price will follow the day's closing price.

    To make the most of the available time, it's critical to be aware of the timing of intraday trading. Due to the high volatility and liquidity during the morning market hours, intraday traders typically favour these times. There is no general guideline for it, but it's still important if you plan and pay attention to the optimal moment. Check out the website and the BlinkX trading app if you want to trade using online share trading to improve your experience.

    FAQs on Timings of Intraday Trading

    Which intraday time slot is ideal?

    The ideal window for intraday trading is one to two hours after the stock market opens. But in India, the majority of stock market trading channels start their day at 9:15 a.m.

    Is it possible to make an order after the market closes?

    Equity trading is permitted with post-market orders. An After Market Order (AMO) must be entered using the trading programme. When the market opens, the same will be performed at market value.


    Can I trade during the market's pre-opening session?

    Although almost anybody can place a trade order during the pre-opening session, Apart from placing your order you cannot do any kind of trading activity in the pre-opening session of the stock market.

    What are the best timings for intraday trading?

    There isn't a simple solution to this question. The timings are set after the markets open the next day based on a variety of factors, including the news from the previous evening, world events, news about individual stocks, etc.

    When is auto square off activated?

    If the trader doesn't close out the intraday position before 3.15 pm, auto square off is initiated. Auto square typically operates from 3.15 to 3.20 p.m.

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