

BSE 100 ESG Index (INR) Share Price Today

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BSE 100 ESG Index (INR)


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BSE 100 ESG Index (INR) Historical Returns

BSE 100 ESG Index (INR) Sector Weightage

BSE 100 ESG Index (INR) Performance







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About BSE 100 ESG Index (INR)

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BSE 100 ESG Index (INR)



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BSE 100 ESG Index

To evaluate stocks that satisfy sustainability investing standards while preserving a performance risk profile similar to the BSE 100, the BSE 100 ESG Index India was created. It was introduced on October 26, 2017. 

How is the BSE 100 ESG Index Calculated?

Launched on October 26, 2017, the BSE 100 ESG Index uses a float-adjusted market cap weighting method. The Nifty 100 ESG index debut value date is April 30, 2014. In June, the BSE 100 index fund goes through its yearly rebalance. 

Financial Performance of BSE 100 ESG Index 

The BSE 100 ESG Index, representing those BSE 100 ESG companies, has an outstanding performance with a total return index level of 467.09. Further, it returned 3.08% month on month and has a return of 3 months at 11.73%. Year to date, the index is up 16.52%. It efficiently returned 27.54% annually over the last year. The three-year annualized return of this ETF was 17.15%, while it generated 20.21% over five years, showing that the growth continued unabated over a longer period. 

BSE 100 ESG Index (INR) FAQs

What is an index?

An index is a group of a specific type of securities. They can be stocks, derivatives, or other financial instruments. The index represents as well as tracks the performance of the asset class or the market segment.

What are indices used for?

Indices are used to track the performance of a group of securities. Indices show the overall performance of an asset class or market sector.

How many indices are listed on the NSE?

There are over 350 indices listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).

How many indices are listed on the BSE?

There are over 50 indices listed on BSE.

Which is the largest Indian index?

The Nifty 50 is the largest Indian index. It is one of the most actively traded indices in the world.

Which are the oldest indices in India?

Sensex and Nifty 50 are the two oldest indices in India.

What are the two major indices in India?

The Sensex and the Nifty 50 are the two major indices in India.

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